Unparalleled Experience

The Let's Go! Create team implement game-changing brand and marketing strategies for SMEs across various industries.

Our team leverages the wealth of expertise and insights of our sister agency, Brand Cornac. Brand Cornac is renowned for its excellence in brand creation and successful marketing project execution, with a impactful experience in the Education Sector. This sector shares common challenges with the Care Sector, and our team has drawn valuable insights across both arenas.

Our work enhances public perception, boosts staff retention rates, drives up occupancy levels, facilitates fee increases, and has fuelled overall growth. Whether we're working with individual nurseries, medium-sized schools, or larger educational institutions, the Let's Go! Create team consistently delivers dynamic and highly effective marketing campaigns that make a significant impact.

Our Education Work

Case Studies

KatieB Kids Nursery

From KTB Kids to KatieB Kids

Our partnership with KatieB had three ambitious objectives:

  1. Boost Occupancy Numbers

  2. Support a Fee Increase

  3. Reduce Staff Turnover

To achieve these goals, we collaborated with the KatieB Kids team and devised two distinct strategies:

INSPIRATION: We set out to ignite a passion for KatieB Kids, both as a choice for parents and a workplace for potential staff members. This involved:

  • Crafting a unique brand identity, complete with carefully selected imagery to capture the essence of KatieB Kids.

  • Designing a user-friendly website that streamlined information, ensuring an uncluttered homepage, easy navigation, and compatibility across all devices.

  • Producing a compelling video that showcased the exceptional qualities of KatieB Kids.

  • Articulating their extraordinary culture to be integrated into all staff-related activities.

JOURNEY: Our focus here was to create digital signposts that would enhance KatieB Kids' visibility among their target audience. We tackled key areas such as:

  • Enhancing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies.

  • Executing digital advertising campaigns.

  • Crafting engaging social media content.


  • A remarkable 78% increase in occupancy rates.

  • Successful implementation of a fee increase among existing occupants.

  • A significant 82% uplift in online inquiries.

  • A significant reduction in staff turnover.

  • An overwhelming 93% of parents now believe the nursery truly embodies its core values.

Katie Ballard,
Founder and CEO of KatieB Kids

“Absolutely critical in helping us moving our business forward.”

Our nursery was facing new challenges - a new location, needing to up the pricing, retaining current staff, recruiting new staff, and attracting new parents.

The team helped us create the inspiration behind our Brand, and rolled out fantastic tools, a new video, a new website, a new Look & Feel that is now at the heart of everything we do. As the owner and CEO of KatieB Kids, I use the inspirational work they created every single day to focus and improve the journey that we need to create for all our audiences - from staff training, to recruitment, to our weekly newsletter, or to develop my yearly strategy.

It is very impressive to see how the agency team has been able to articulate something that our parents and our staff are now quoting back to us, directly from our new website, as the reason why they love us and find us special, different.”

Louise Buckley, Nursery Manager at KatieB Kids

“Working collaboratively with Bastien, Richard and the rest of the team was incredibly invigorating. It is noticeable to hear from our parents and staff how our new website and the content in it was instrumental in their journey to choose us.”